20130114-135816.jpg“It is not enough to just be in the car and start the engine. We must have a destination in mind and move, if we are to get anywhere.” – The Coffee Prophet

20130114-135816.jpg“It’s not so much about being alive, as it is about the quality of our lives and what we put into our lives.” – The Coffee Prophet

“Today I will have gratitude for all of the wonderful things that I have, have had, and will have in my life.” – The Coffee Prophet20130114-135816.jpg

20130114-135816.jpg“What other’s think about you, has little to do with you and more to do with them.” – The Coffee Prophet

20130114-135816.jpg“It’s not how much we have that counts, it’s how much we give.” – The Coffee Prophet

20130114-135816.jpg“It’s easy to have faith when things are going well, but it’s only when we are challenged that our faith is tested.” – The Coffee Prophet

20130114-135816.jpg“Love in a relationship encompasses so many different things, but mostly it is the willingness to stand by and support someone under any and all circumstances. It’s not always easy.” – The Coffee Prophet

20130114-135816.jpg“What is within us is bigger than any challenges that we face.” – The Coffee Prophet

20130114-135816.jpg“Doing the right thing sometimes takes Courage, but still, it is always best to do what is right and just.” – The Coffee Prophet

20130114-135816.jpg“Many times it is in our darkest hours that we find the light.” – The Coffee Prophet

20130114-135816.jpg“Everywhere we look there is treasure to be found.” – The Coffee Prophet

20130114-135816.jpg“There is a Well of Resources within us and all of our life Experiences run into it.” -The Coffee Prophet

20130114-135816.jpg“Let us be like water, it has a way of moving through or around anything in its own time.” – The Coffee Prophet

20130114-135816.jpg“We can find ourselves, or Lose ourselves in just about anything!” – The Coffee prophet

20130114-135816.jpg“Our levels of Success and Happiness are all what we ourselves agree on them to be.” – The Coffee Prophet

20130114-135816.jpg“Today I will be kind to everyone that I meet.” – The Coffee Prophet

20130114-135816.jpg“Whenever you find a challenge or obstacle, focus on how to concur it and get through it, rather than on the challenge or obstacle itself.” – The Coffee Prophet

20130114-135816.jpg“Defeat is never final, it only means that you are not there yet.” – The Coffee Prophet

20130114-135816.jpg“Everyone is my brother and sister!” – The Coffee Prophet

20130114-135816.jpg“Today is a new day and I begin again.” – The Coffee Prophet