“Being a nice person isn’t about being nice to the people we like, but rather about being nice to all people we encounter.” – The Coffee Prophet

“We have the power to change our world and make it better.  That is where our focus needs to be.  Less on the problem and more on the solving of the problem.” – The Coffee Prophet

“If we don’t take any chances in life, then we can expect very little to happen for us.” – The Coffee Prophet

“We only have control over our own thoughts and actions, we cannot control the thoughts and actions of others.” – The Coffee Prophet

“Any act of love or kindness, no matter how small, has the ability to transform people.” – The Coffee Prophet

“The true measure of our Lives is not about what we acquire in possessions.  It is about what we acquire through giving love and kindness to others.” – The Coffee Prophet

“We have the ability to get us through anything by going to the very core of our being.  When we connect to the pure essence of who we are, we know all the answers that we need to know.” – The Coffee Prophet

“Any anger, hate, or resentment that we feel towards another, harbors far more ill will towards ourselves, than it does to them.” – The Coffee Prophet

“Kindness has a way of melting away negative energy.” – The Coffee Prophet

“The Difference between letting go and giving up:  Letting go of things, is about having faith in your life.  Giving up on things, is about not having faith in your life.” – The Coffee Prophet

“The truth always comes out over time.  It is best to always tell it, live it, and use it!” – The Coffee Prophet

“When we can clearly feel and see what it is that we want and we believe that we can truly have it, the universe starts the process of bringing it to us.” – The Coffee Prophet

“It is the joy that we find in being grateful for what we have, that creates our happiness.” – The Coffee Prophet

“As we change our ways of thinking, the concept of what is possible for us expands.” – The Coffee Prophet

“Many times, in life, it is the little things that make the big difference.” – The Coffee Prophet

“Opening our hearts to love is what is important!  The circumstances around that love are not so important!” – The Coffee Prophet

“All things happen in our lives to teach us and to help us grow in the long run.” – The Coffee Prophet

“We mustn’t be quick to judge others, for we never truly know someone or what they might be going through, unless we have really walked in their shoes.” – The Coffee Prophet

“A smile, a nice gesture, or a compliment can start a whole chain reaction.” – The Coffee Prophet

“Try to find joy in any situation.  Be grateful for all that you have, and that things are not worse than they are.” – The Coffee Prophet